Hi there! My name is Serenity G. Patrick and this is my first blog post but more importantly, my first ever public writing (well if you don't count instagram captions and twitter tweets). So as you can imagine this is a pretty big deal for me.
Let me tell you a little about myself, I'm a 17 year old girl, living in Texas with my mother and brother, have always have an infinity for creating things from a young age, and have a huge list of medical health issues.
I don't have the life of a normal teenager. That sentence alone sounds depressing, however it is true. Since the age of twelve, I've been dealing with very serious medical heath issues, including rare illnesses such as Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Bicuspid Aortic Valve Heart Disease, daily migraine headaches, multiple blood disorders, gastropresis and more. Thus, as you could imagine the amount of weekly doctors appointments I go to for the past five years has been outrageous, this amounts to me being home schooled or absent from class often.
I plan to go more into detail later on in another blog post, however, I choose to talk about my health because when I first became sick all I wanted was to find someone to relate to, to feel some what normal, even five years later I have only found two people who have similar medical issues to me. My hope is by sharing my story, I can help someone else in feeling better knowing they're not alone in their journey.
Onto lighter topics. I have 8 dogs , yes I know a lot but they're all rescues and well taken care of, they even have their own instagram page called 8pluspaws where I share pictures and videos of them everyday.
As you probably have guessed by now I love animals and plan to get my PH.D in Zoology and Veterinary Sciences. With this education I plan to become a world wildlife rescuer and rehabilitation, work as a vet with having the extra knowledge of a zoologist. I also plan to one day open my own animal sanctuary.
Due to my love for all creatures, I've been a vegetarian for four years now and am slowly transitioning to veganism. I don't use any animal products such as leather, fur and wool along with only using cruelty free hygiene products. LUSH and Pacifica Beauty being my favorite brands. I felt the need to change my lifestyle due to my career path I plan to pursue with animals, I felt that if I ate animals that I would be a hypocrite in the practice, by help rescuing elephants by day and eating cows by night. I love the change, I would never turn back now.
Now onto my love for creating. Since I was young I have always been making things, from painting on canvas to making paper flowers. I constantly feel the need to create something and in January 2019 started an instagram page dedicated to just that. SereCreate was born out of my love for arts, Sere being the first part of my name and Create being my love to, well, create!
Well that's the basics about me. This blog is going to be about my life, my health, arts and crafts projects and cooking/baking recipes. Don't forget to follow me on all my socials linked below!